Monday, November 14, 2016

This Week in Mrs. Kirchner's Class!

This week is finally a full week of school! :)
Reading Logs and Spelling Lists were handed out today.
Spelling test will be on Friday, November 18.

Spelling Words:
1) spill
2) spin
3) grab
4) grass
5) drip
6) drop
7) men
8) let
9) out
10) many

In Reading, we will continue to review our parts of speech. 1st graders have been working on nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We will be creating sentences that have all three parts of speech. We will be looking at how adjectives describe nouns. We will create an anchor chart to help us understand what questions adjectives can answer. We will use this chart to describe nouns around our classroom. We will be sorting parts of speech using pictures and words. Our class will also re-watch the Schoolhouse Rock video on adjectives and sing about words that describe. We will also be reviewing how to summarize a story. Students learned to summarize using the "" flow chart. After listening to a story, we will fill this chart out together. On Wednesday, our class will have D.E.A.R. Students will have an opportunity to meet with Mrs. Kirchner to read and demonstrate how their reading has improved. We will work together to create reading goals for this month.

Our class will be having Writer's Workshop on Thursday. Students will be writing about what they are thankful for. We will use this writing to create turkeys. We will have a time for Author's chair, and each student will have an opportunity to share their writing if they would like.

In Social Studies, we will continue to talk about the American flag. Last week, we talked about the stars and stripes and what these symbols mean. We looked at why they were chosen for out flag. This week, we will talk about the colors red, white, and blue. We will look at what these colors mean. Flags and facts will be glued into their interactive Social Studies notebooks.

Upcoming tests:
Friday, November 18-Spelling

Tuesday, November 29-Adjectives

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