Tuesday, November 1, 2016

This Week in Mrs. Kirchner's class!

This week will feel short and quick! 
There will be no spelling because it is not a full week.
Students were not given a Reading Log to complete this week. There was no school on Monday, and a few students were absent today because of the field trip. Please encourage your child to continue their reading this week. :)

In Reading, we will continue to work on verbs and nouns. We will look at words and determine if they are an action or a person, place, or thing. We will sort and categorize words. Students will work on using verbs in sentences to describe what is happening in a picture. We will complete Reader's Response sheets in D.E.A.R. Students will have time to conference with me to set reading goals and work on specific individual skills.

In Writing, we will be writing about the future! We will be talking about what students in our class want to be when they grow up. We will create a class list, and have time to write their own response. Students will respond to the writing prompt "When I grow up, I want to be........because....." They will get the chance to draw themselves and imagine what they will look like in their future career. These responses will be hung up on display in the classroom.

In Social Studies, we will continue to talk about the American flag and why it is an important symbol for our country.

Upcoming reminders: 
There is no school Tuesday, November 8th.
Parent-Teacher conferences sign-ups have been posted to the blog. This year, conferences will be split between Thursday and Friday. Thursday is now full, but we still have some spaces available on Friday between 8:00-12:00.

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