Tuesday, January 3, 2017

This week in Mrs. Zimmer's Class!

Welcome back and Happy New Year! :)

This week in math we will be finishing up our Chapter 4 unit on place value.  We are focusing on adding 2-digit numbers, such as 43+6.  Students are counting on from the larger number and adding the ones of the smaller number.  We are still continuing to compare numbers to determine which ones are greater than, less than, or equal to.  The goal is to take our Chapter 4 test on Friday.  Depending on how the rest of the week goes, if I feel we need to push the test to Monday to allow students with more practice I will.  For extra practice, students can figure out how many tens and ones are in each number 1-99, draw ten sticks and ones for each number, write the number in expanded form, and practice adding two digit numbers for fluency.

We will be taking our Chapter 6 Science test tomorrow over land, water, and air.  Student should be bringing home their science journals and a review sheet today that will help prepare them for the test tomorrow.   Don’t forget to also watch some BrainPop Jr. videos as a great refresher! The videos under the land tab and conservation tab would be most beneficial! We spent a long time reviewing everything we learned from this chapter since it has been a long break! We will also do a mini review before the test tomorrow!  We will begin a short chapter over weather to make sure students grasped the main ideas from the beginning of the year.

In Health, we will be doing a lesson on anger.  We will identify what can happen when someone becomes angry (red face, tense muscles, loud voice), and healthy ways to deal with anger (e.g. take time to think about it, talk about your feelings to the person who made you angry, ask an adult for help, go for a supervised walk/run).  We will do two interactive journal activities where students will describe ways to express anger in a healthy way, and then they will illustrate a happy thought they can think of in a time that would help them calm down.

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