Sunday, October 2, 2016

This week in Mrs. Zimmer's Class!

This week in math we will be perfecting how to “count on” for 1-2 more days.   Then, we will begin to start solving subtraction equations.  We will work on solving subtraction by using drawings, and practice writing subtraction equations.

In science we are finishing up our rough draft of our habitat project.  Students worked really hard last week narrowing down the habitat and animal to focus on and creating a practice drawing of how they want their projects to look.  We will start making the final copy this week in class!  We are hoping to have the projects and presentations finished by the end of this week, but since this is our first project it is difficult to gage how long we will need to spend working on these.  Depending on time, I’d like to test over our habitat unit on Friday, but we may have to push the test into next week.  We will have a short review in class before the test.  Our class loved watching the Annie and Moby videos about habitats on BrainPopJr!  Students also had opportunities to play the games about each habitat in their table groups.  If you would like to review the habitats with your child at home, log in at  The username and password are the same and it is: wesjr.  This website is a great resource (for all subject areas) to use throughout the year!

In health we are still talking about the importance of physical activity.  1st graders should be getting at least 1 hour of physical activity each day! I will be reading a story and students will be acting it out using their bodies.  Then, we will make up our own action story as a class.  This will not only help get the children moving, but also build listening comprehension.  

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