Monday, September 12, 2016

This Week in Mrs. Kirchner's Class

Today the students took their Spelling Practice test. We reviewed the words together and talked about which ones may be most challenging. Many agreed that "back" and "sack" will be the hardest this week! We are continuing to work on our short a sound this week. The word lists were sent home with your child in their blue folder.

This week's Spelling list:
1) dad
2) sad
3) nap
4) tap
5) sack
6) back
7) man
8) cat
9) it
10) too

I will be meeting with students one- on-one this week to help determine their reading level. We reviewed the different book levels today and learned about what each level means. My goal is to help each student discover their reading level by the end of this week. Next week, we will begin D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read) time. During this time, students will be able to chose a book to read that is a "just right" book. I will spend this time continuing to meet with students one-on-one, and help them to move up to their next reading level! We will work on using picture clues and sounding out blends to make meaning from the words! I'm excited to see how we can become better readers throughout the year! :)

Star testing for Reading will be on Thursday.
Mrs. Zimmer's homeroom will test with me at 9:00.
My homeroom will test at 1:00.

Star scores will be sent home on Friday.

It's going to be a busy, and fun week!
Please let me know if you have any questions. :)

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