Monday, February 13, 2017

This week in Mrs. Zimmer’s Class!

**2/14/17 Valentines Party 
**2/17/17 Awards Ceremony K-1 at 8:45 AM

I will be sending home STAR test reports home this week. The amount of growth each person has shown from the first test in September is absolutely phenomenal, and I wanted to express how proud I am of each and every student!!! WAY TO GO!! J

In Math, we are continuing to use a hundreds chart to help us see 10-based patterns in sequence. The chart helps children see numbers in ordered rows and columns and understand the patterns in tens and ones. We are continuing to practice with 10-groups, and adding tens to any 2-digit number, with totals to 100.

In Science, we are continuing to talk about matter.  This week we will be doing an exciting investigation where students will construct a tower using solids objects in their table groups.  We will discuss how solids materials have distinct uses based on their properties.  We will discuss what properties are most useful for the top of the tower, and what properties are useful for the base of a tower.  I am eager to see the different ways students work together for this lesson.

In Health, we are continuing to learn about dental hygiene because February is Dental Hygiene month! We will have a discussion about foods that help make your teeth strong and healthy, and then students will complete an activity in their journals where they have to sort food by whether it is healthy for their teeth or not.

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