This week in Mrs. Zimmer’s Class
In Math, we are finishing up chapter 5 and taking our test on Wednesday this week! Our next unit will be about comparisons and data. We will start by organizing and representing categorical data and using circles and 5-groups to record the data.
In Science, we are taking our chapter 8 test about matter tomorrow, so students have a review sheet for homework tonight to prepare! Don't forget to use the BrainPop Jr. videos and activities to help you (Username and password: wesjr), or student's science journals. Our next unit is about balance, movement, and sound!
In Health, we will begin to talk about danger. We will identify ways to exercise caution, avoidance, and/or refusal in potentially dangerous situations. We will look at four scenarios and discuss how to respond safely in certain situations, then students will complete a similar exercise in their journals.